
Welcome to YDSI (Young Digital Social Innovators)


YDSI is an EU Erasmus+ Project bringing together partners and experts from the United Kingdom, Finland, Romania, Ireland, Turkey and Denmark.

Young Digital Social Innovators aims to empower young people to become confident social innovators making the most of digital technology available to them by modernising youth work curricula and practice so that digital social innovation (DSI) can be taught to a high standard across a wide range of youth-serving organisations.

Ready to get started? The first step is to join our online social media community of young people, youth education, youth organisations, as well as youth and education stakeholders.

“The betterment of society is not a job to be left to a few.
It’s a responsibility to be shared by all.”

David Packard

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“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”
Benjamin Franklin 

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